participants per hour
hour. playing time
16 +
minimum age
30000 +
business participants
60 minutes long, you will be in an online environment where different actors ensure that you are immersed in a whole different world. Communication skills and excellent cooperation will ensure the possible escape of the detained prisoner.
Prison Escape Online is a unique teambuilding event where you have to work together to achieve the ultimate goal: setting an innocent prisoner free. Participation guarantees a great experience that will stimulate and promote team spirit among colleagues.
Companies we’re proud of hosting
- Perfect for teambuilding!
- 7 people per game
- Unique adventure that can be experienced from home
- Personal contact & guidance
- Group photo included
- On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays
- Payment can be made by invoice
- 84+ participants per hour
- Maximum of 1000+ participants per day
- Includes a pre-experience, before the game starts!
- Multiple interactive actors
I want to experience Prison Escape Online with my colleagues
We hope to have made you enthusiastic about our online experience! Prison Escape Online is organised on fixed days. You can find an overview of the available games in the ticket shop.
The experience is suitable for groups consisting of 2-7 people per game and can be experienced by more than 800 people per day.
We are happy to tell you more about this online experience! Fill in the form and we will contact you a.s.a.p.!
Of course we are also happy to speak to you via telephone: +31 (0) 85 065 32 68
Contact form for groups
We will contact you as soon as possible after filling in the form below!