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Prison Escape Training

Train your team like Netflix heroes in a real-life Prison Escape

Prison Escape Training is comprised of three key elements:

  • Professional training led by an experienced trainer
  • Unique game simulation in which team members from all over the world can participate
  • Live guidance from a real, abandoned prison by the best training actors

Taking Heroism to Practice

Prison Escape Training is more than just HR or team-building training. It feels like you and your team are the heroes in your own Netflix series. By bribing guards, hacking security systems, activating alarms, and determining escape routes, team members experience a unique and exciting adventure.

The experience is truly unique because the actions of the participants directly affect the story they are experiencing. This means that all stories and trainings are tailor-made and therefore unique. Our vision is to create heroes so that your professionals can take their heroic acts into practice.

Escape from Prison

The goal of our game simulation is clear: to escape from prison. And not as an individual, but as a team. By working together and using each other’s skills, your team must free an innocent man from prison.

Our fictional world offers participants the opportunity to practice situations they also encounter in daily life, such as working with colleagues, leading a team, and making decisions.

Even if you have trouble picking up the phone, our simulation offers countless learning opportunities.

Our trainer analyzes participants’ behavior and helps the team become aware of their behavior, pitfalls, and growth opportunities after the simulation.

Discover how our training can achieve all your company’s learning goals.

